Tokusil® 928 is a synthetic precipitated silica, presenting as white amorphous silica.

Chemical Name: Silica gel, pptd., cryst.-free

CAS Number: 112926-00-8

Technical Data Sheet

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Gene Sullivan

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Vince D'Andrea


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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality


ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Moisture Content (at 105°C, 2hrs)max. 8.0%ISO 787-2
pH Value (5% suspension)6.2 - 7.0-ISO 787-9
Bulk Density (Piston)0.14 - 0.19g/ccJIS K6220-1
Wet Residue (on 325 Mesh, 45μm)max. 0.5%OSC QS-06
Aluminum Oxide Content0.25 - 0.40%XRF
Iron Oxide Contentmax. 0.04%XRF
Conductivity (5%)max. 150μs/cmISO 787-14
Silicon Dioxide Assay (Dry Basis)min. 94%XRF
Oil Absorption (DOA)235 - 265ml/100gISO 19246(STiN Blade)
Median Size (Laser)11.0 - 15.0μmISO 13320-1
Surface Area (Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide)135 - 155m²/gISO 5794-1
Surface Area (Nitrogen, 5pt-BET)155 - 175m²/gISO 5794-1

Packaging & Availability