Nyacol® A1530 is a colloidal antimony pentoxide primarily employed as a synergist with halogenated flame retardants.

Chemical Family: Antimony & Antimony Compounds

Features: Cost Effective, Easy Handling, Excellent Penetration, High Capacity of Penetration, Low Pigmenting Effect, Suspension Stability, Suspension Stability

Technical Data Sheet

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Gene Sullivan

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

CASE Ingredients Features
Industrial Additives Features
Advantages Over Conventional Antimony Trioxide Systems
  • Better penetration of the substrate.
  • Less pigmenting or whitening effect for deep mass tone colors.
  • Easier handling and processing: Liquid dispersions will not clog spray guns.
  • High flame retardant efficiency for minimal added weight or change in hand.
  • Greater cost effectiveness and improved color matching in mass tone colors.
  • Translucency for applications such as coatings, films, and laminates.
  • Suspension stability in low viscosity systems.
  • Maintenance of physical properties in thin films and fine denier fibers.
  • Easy compounding; no special dispersing equipment required.
  • High FR efficiency for minimal added weight or change in hand.

Applications & Uses

Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Cure Method
Coating End Applications
Industrial Additives End Use
Use Level
1.5 - 8 % (In textile, paper, and plastics applications), 5 - 20 % (halogen use level)
Usage Level
  • The usage level of the various grades depends on the material being treated, the test procedure, the ratio of halogen to antimony oxide, and other ingredients being used.
  • It is not possible to predict flame retardance performance; therefore, experimental evaluation is required.
  • Typical ratios of halogen to antimony are 5:1 to 2:1.


Physical Form
Compatible with
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Antimony Pentoxide Content29wt.%-
Particle Size35.0nm-
pH Value 5--
Specific Gravity1.37--

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Supplied by
Packaging Information
  • Size: 55 gallon drum / 208 liters
  • Weight: 600 pounds net / 272 kilograms net

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
1 year
Storage Conditions
  • The product should be stored in a cool dry area.
  • Mixing in the drum may be necessary if the product is stored for an extended amount of time.
  • The product should be protected from freezing.
  • Should the product freeze, thaw the material and remix before use.