Cardolite® NT - 3000

1 of 30 products in this brand
Cardolite® NT - 3000 is an aliphatic monoglycidyl ether containing alkyl chains, predominantly C12 and C14 in length.

Chemical Name: Dodecyl and tetradecyl glycidyl ethers

CAS Number: 68609-97-2

Synonyms: Oxirane, 2-[(C12-14-alkyloxy)methyl] derivs.

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Gene Sullivan

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Vince D'Andrea


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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Colormax. 50APHAASTM D-1203
Viscosity (at 25°C)5 - 10cPsASTM D2196
Epoxy Equivalent Weight (Based on total product weight)275 - 300-ASTM D1652-97
Hydrolyzable Chlorinemax. 0.01Eq/100gASTM D1726-11
Moisture Contentmax. 0.1%ASTM D4672

Packaging & Availability

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Storage & Handling

Storage Condition

Cardolite products may absorb moisture and carbon dioxide when left in open containers, which could result in increased viscosity, discoloration, reduction of reactivity, and/or crystallization of the products. These products should be kept tightly sealed in their original containers when not in use, and stored in a cool, dry place.