ADINS® Clay 80T is a free-flowing powder that effectively prevents flame propagation by reducing polymer dripping during combustion. Additionally, it diminishes smoke production.

Chemical Name: Sepiolite

Chemical Family: Magnesium & Magnesium Compounds, Silicates

Compatible Polymers & Resins: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM), Polypropylenes (PP), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Features: Free Flowing, Gas Barrier, Good Mechanical Properties, Low Smoke Emission

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Gene Sullivan

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Vince D'Andrea


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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Materials Features
Product Features

ADINS® additives, based on functionalized uncommon silicate with a needle-like structure, allow to improve the fire performance of polymeric formulations:

  • Enhances char structure, improving gas barrier and mechanical properties
  • Avoids flame propagation by burning polymer dripping
  • Reduces the smoke production

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Free - flowing powder
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Moisture Contentmax. 4.0%-
Particle Size Distribution (Dry Sieving, Residue on 45 μm)max. 3.0%-

Regulatory & Compliance

Chemical Inventories

Technical Details & Test Data

PP-intumescent System Formulations
Sample PP Borealis HE125MO (%) Intumescent IFR (%) AOX Irganox B 225 (%) ADINS Clay (%)


25 2.5 0
ADINS Clay 80T 70.5 25 2.5 2
Cone Calorimeter Test and Smoke Chamber Test

Test Conditions

  • Size of the samples: 100x100 up to 4mm thick 3 measures per sample
  • Multiple heat flux levels:
    • 25 kW/m²
    • 50 kW/m²
    • 65 kW/m²

Important Parameters Measured And Calculated

  • Heat Release Rate (HRR): Rate at which heat is generated by fire.
  • Peak of Heat Release Rate (pHRR ): Maximum of HRR.
  • Total Heat Release (THR): Sum of the heat released from the ignition.
  • ARHE: Average Rate of Heat Emission.
  • MARHE: Maximum of ARHE.

Some Results

Sample MARHE (kW/m²) THR 1200s (MJ/m²) pHRR (kW/m²)
Reference 117.74 61.5 155.17
ADINS Clay 80T 123.67 56.7 152.85

ADINS® Clay 80T - Cone Calorimeter Test - 1

ADINS® Clay 80T - Cone Calorimeter Test - 1

ADINS® Clay 80T - Cone Calorimeter Test - 1

Test Conditions

  • Radiation applied = 50 kW/m 2 .
  • Distance between sample surface and radiation source = 25 mm.
  • Size of the samples: 75x75mm, 2 3 mm thickness. 3 measures per sample
  • Optional pilot flame

Important Parameters Measured And Calculated

  • Specific Optical Density (Dₛ): Density of smoke measured by an opacimeter.
  • Maximum Dₛ (Dₛ) max
  • VOF4: Integral of the DS(t) curve calculated from t=0 to t=4min.
  • Total Smoke Production (TSP): sum of the smoke released from the ignition.

Smoke Chamber Results

Sample TSP (1200s) Ds max (20') VOF4
Reference 1620.4 168.8 93.5
ADINS Clay 80T 1092.7 76.1 91.0

Test Conclusions
  • In the UL 94 test we can see how the samples not drip
  • All samples showed similar behaviour in the cone calorimeter test
  • When ADINS is added into the PP/ intumescent formulations the Total Smoke Production and the Smoke Density is reduced in all cases

Packaging & Availability

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